Services We Offer


Decompression is our primary modality used to treat disc injuries like a bulge or a herniation. These often cause radicular complaints where pain, numbness or tingling travels down the legs or arms. It is performed by a table that operates by pulling from either the hips or at the base of the head (depending on the region where the disc herniation or injury is located).

During decompression, a pumping motion is created that helps increase movement of the fluid within the disc and in the surrounding tissues. This creates negative pressure that helps remove waste and a positive pressure that helps force nutrients back into the disc. This improves the health of the disc and helps create more space for the nerves to travel through without being impinged or contacting the injured disc material. 



At Complete Rehab our Massage therapists knead muscles and other soft tissues of the body with their hands and elbows to provide treatment to the soft tissues of the body. This is especially helpful for soft tissue injuries and to promote healthy movement and general wellness.

Our clients who are able to combine our chiropractic/physical therapy with massage tend to see the greatest results. Massage therapy increases circulation and blood flow throughout the body, this facilitates elasticity and range of motion in the muscles, joints, tendons, and tissues. There are also improvements observed in circulation of the lymphatic system as well as the function of the nervous system. Our patients utilize massage for all phases of care, from acute injury, to chronic pain as well as wellness our maintenance care. 



Scraping is a technique used to perform manual therapy using a tool as part of our overall treatment plans for our patients. Our doctors and assistants use these tools to address soft tissue pain, trigger points and dysfunction. With a tool we are able to treat areas that are hard to reach as well as body parts with larger surface areas.

Scraping allows the practitioner to focus on soft tissue lesions and fascial restrictions to help our patient’s symptoms and is an excellent addition to adjustments and the other modalities that we use in our office. It is useful for all sorts of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction that we see in our office and helps to reduce pain, increase range of motion and improve performance.



Cupping is a therapy technique that uses plastic or glass cups applied to areas of pain or dysfunctional tissue to create suction or negative pressure to the skin and dermal layers. This pressure lifts the skin away from the body affecting not only the skin but also the connective tissue, fascia and the muscle in the area under the cup. One of the major benefits is that it creates space to increases blood flow, allowing stagnated toxins trapped in the muscle and fascia to be removed and increases oxygen to the area as well. This promotes healing, reduces inflammation and helps the muscle relax overall.



We see kids of all ages, from newborns all the way up! Treatment for these young patients vary greatly and their conditions include: general wellness, pain, sports injuries, therapy for torticollis and post tongue/lip tie revision. Young people are referred from a wide variety of other practitioners including: Midwives/ObGyns, Doula’s, Lactation Consultants, Coaches and Athletic Trainers and even their parents, anyone who sees the benefits of pediatric chiropractic and how it helps in a child's overall development.

We all know our children are constantly growing, moving, learning and changing. This creates many opportunities for them to experience pain just like we do as adults. Athletic children are exposed to these things even more, treatment for pediatrics, teens and our young adults are varied and tailored to their level of development, and can be performed with very light pressure and include all sorts of modalities and exercises in addition to a chiropractic adjustment.



We utilize technique designed specifically for pregnancy when treating our expecting patients. We use a drop table addresses pelvic imbalances, pain and dysfunction caused by the changes to the body created by pregnancy. We also use chiropractic adjustments utilized in the upper back and neck help to relieve pain and tension commonly resulting from postural changes involved with pregnancy. These techniques are also helpful in addressing the causes and triggers of headaches also common in pregnancy.
Another frequent pain complaint for our momma’s involve the round ligament, for this we utilize manual therapy to help release that ligament. All of these techniques work together to ensure there is room for baby to be in the optimal head down position and ready to be born. We utilize all sorts of other soft tissue modalities such as cupping, taping and gentle "scraping" to those tight tight and tender muscles aggravated by pregnancy.

In addition to chiropractic care we also offer prenatal massages with our licensed massage therapists as well as therapeutic exercises and stretches to allow for optimal movement and posture throughout pregnancy.

Our office works with many provider’s throughout the valley including Doulas, Midwives, postpartum doulas, nutritionists, pelvic floor specialists and lactation consultants all which can come in handy when your expecting!



A sports chiropractor is physician who has extended their knowledge and training related to sports, sports injuries and sports performance with additional education, training and certification.
Dr. Chris in our office has completed the additional credentials of Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician, which also means here in Arizona that he can complete the pre participation exams required for your child to play sports. So if you're an athlete and you are looking for a doctor with the additional training to truly be a sports physician just look for those extra letters (CCSP) or (DACBSP) after their name.


Personal Injury

Personal Injury Cases typically refer to a situation in which you are injured and there is a third party insurance that is responsible to pay for the treatment required for your injuries. Primarily this occurs in car accidents, but also includes slip and falls or even things like dog bites. The main thing here is that you were injured through no fault of your own and someone else is at fault.

Our chiropractic office is very experienced at managing these accident victims, we will handle intake and initial orders for imaging as required and we will also refer out to any additional providers you may need. These additional providers could be anything from trauma counselors to pain management to just about any provider you can imagine.

While an attorney is not a requirment, it can be very helpful to ensure your interests are protected and you get the care you need. We recommend and work closely with many attorneys throughout the valley. Our goal is to ensure the only thing you have to worry about is getting better, and our team is here to support and help you heal as quickly and completely as possible.

Personal Injury


Kinesiology tape is a tool we use in our treatment plans for several things. It can help stabilizes tissue surrounding the injured area by adhering to the skin and applying pressure to the tissues the tape is wrapped around. Taping can help relieve pain and help improve movement patterns. Taping provides these benefits by allowing the connective tissue surrounding the affected joint, muscle or tendon to move while providing sensory input that helps relieve pain and improve movement patterns.


Dry Needling

Dry Needling has some similarities to traditional acupuncture in that it utilizes the same style of needles. However, instead of focusing on meridians the practitioner places the needles into trigger points or directly into the injured tissue. The practice helps relax muscle, improves blood flow, decreases inflammation, and triggers the body’s healing response. This treatment can also be enhanced with the application electrical stimulation allowing for very specific treatment to tissues that otherwise may not be assessable.

Dry Needling

Weight Loss

A healthy body weight is critical to having a body that is able to function and perform daily without suffering from pain or other dysfunction. Our weight loss program has been developed specifically to address many of the specific challenges faced by our current population. We are such a busy society who rarely has time or resources for drastic diets, and as a result most of them have tried and failed a great number of them.

Our program begins with a reverse designed specifically to your body and where it is currently, we then begin to build our metabolism up. So many people are actually underfed, and when they attempt to diet they find that no matter how little they eat they cannot lose weight. This happens because their metabolisms have slowed and their body is focused on maintaining or storing more fat, not losing it. Once the metabolism is accelerated weight loss occurs much more affectively.

We then move into a cut phase and simply alternate between reverses and cuts until we reach our end goal, whatever that may be. When finishing the program you will find it much easier to maintain in the long run. No fad diet, no “bad” foods, no carb restrictions, just simply learning to eat and fuel our bodies from the food we like to eat and is convenient and assessable for us, all while properly while taking care of our metabolism.

Weight Loss


Proper nutrition is such a controversial topic, what’s best? Low Carb? No Carb? Low Fact, Calorie Restriction, Organic, Gluten Free, 

Well there are a lot of opinions but the one thing we know for sure is that the best diet for you is the one you are able to follow and maintain in the long run. Our body doesn’t have a scanner, it doesn’t automatically know if that carbohydrate came from bread, rice or even a cookie. So it makes no sense at all that you be required to get your nutrition from a specific source.

Instead we focus on helping you find ways to meet your nutritional needs with food choices you already eat, or that is convenient and assessable for you. Thus you are able to build a diet that is customized to you, your lifestyle and your own preferences. Once at your goals it is easy to move into maintenance as you have already built and designed your own eating habits. 


Personal Training and Rehab Exercises

It is nearly impossible to fit all the exercise our patients need into a single daily visit each and every time your come in for your appointment. As a result we focus on the most critical as well as some quality general exercise to get the most result out of the daily visits. What we do instead is provide you with exercises to perform on your own, either in a gym or at home. This is also a service we provide for our weight loss clients as well, as they proceed through their transformations exercise is a critical part of their programs. From rehab to prehab to your daily workout routines we have a plan for you.

Training and Excercise
  • (480) 788-3424

  • Business Hours
  • Mon & Wed 8am-12pm; 3pm-7pm
  • Tue 2pm-6pm
  • Thu 3pm-7pm
  • Fri 8am-12pm
  • Saturday by appointment